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The complete listing of Chinese prototype models is below. For model reviews, please scroll below the table or click here
The complete listing of Chinese prototype models is below. For model reviews, please scroll below the table or click here
The complete listing of Chinese prototype models is below. For model reviews, please scroll below the table or click here
Bachmann China
1:87 Scale

YZ25T Class Hard Seater Car
Prototype Information
The T type passenger cars are the latest in the series of 25 series of passenger cars, utilizing more modern materials in their construction and rated for higher speeds that their T and K predecessors. They are designed to run up to speeds of 160kph. The 25T's seem to declining in popularity due to a push for the CRH high speed system for high speed passenger travel. There are a few variants of YZ25T and Bachmann's model is based on the Plateau type, a domestically built type designed to work high altitudes for the Qinghai - Tibet Line. The Tibet cars are exclusively in green and yellow.

General Information
Bachmann's YZ22T's came about at nearly the same time as the hard sleeper variant, some four years after the soft sleeper cars were introduced with much of the other models in the Tibet range.

Packaging is a thin cardboard carton with display window with the typical foldable plastic clamshell, lined with foam pieces to protect the model. Inside the box is the warranty information, schematics and QC label.
Paint is generally superb. Lettering and lining is very crisp and the colors are rich. The main body color looks good, however I can see a slight shade of brown in the green (not evident in the photos). I can detect in the broader yellow line however that the paint tends to thin out in the center. The undercarriage is black, and while very beautifully done, the color tends to hide a lot of it (although when running on a layout, most is hidden anyway thanks to the side skirts). There is quite a bit more detail on these as compared to the other versions, which is most likely related to high altitude operating equipment.

The interior is a one piece dark cream casting with seating in 2 + 3 club seating arrangement. The roof detail is quite bare, as per prototype, however the large air conditioning unit is very well done with plenty of 3d and painted detailing as well as separate wire anchoring points. The car end details are also brilliant with a huge amount of lettering, plumbing and electrical componentry which is a sheer delight to behold. End sliding doors are painted grey, as are the corridors with separate wire guide rails.

The windows sit flush with the body and are glued to the inside of the body shell. The window surrounds have been chrome plated like the prototype, however I find on the model they're a bit overwhelming, even more so on these than the soft sleeper version as the windows are smaller.

All the YZ models come with interior lighting and are more roll-resistant to what an unlit version would be due to the wheel brush electrical pickup system, however the effect is minimal. Those who operate more than 10 cars may see a noticeable difference. They do sport the typical deep flanges on the wheels, however they will go through code 83 track work (and possibly 75) with no problems. Cars are significantly heavier than other cars.

The YZ25T's are fitted with a circuit board hidden in the ceiling with a series of small LED's. The lights emit a very rich orange color, quite different to the 25T cars I've ridden on with the typical white/blue fluorescent lighting installed.
Bachmann EZ-mates are fitted to the models which should be replaced at the earliest opportunity if you don't like huge air gaps between cars. Bachmann have included their usual semi-permanent drawbars which bring the gaps closer together, yet are a pain to attach and detach. While I usually advocate the use of KD couplers, on my passenger fleet, I prefer a Kadee coupler at each end of a rake of cars (type 362 NEM) and Fleischmann 6515's throughout the rest of the train. The Fleishmann couplers offer a superb connection and provide flawless operation between the cars around corners. They are also well built and designed and very easy to couple/uncouple. I find the Kadee's don't work as well with certain types of passenger cars which can prove troublesome when blending different types of passenger cars.